Leadership is a way to inspire others to accept change

To be a great leader, there is no shortage of knowledge, skills, and traits. While many of these traits are internal, a key quality is the ability to lead others to see that sometimes change is necessary. Many people in leadership positions quickly realize that their constituents are set in their ways and resist change. The greatest leaders are able to communicate clearly and effectively and act as directors, instructing others in the direction of desired changes. John Kotter described the situation as follows: “Effective leaders help other to understand the necessity for change and to accept a shared vision of the outcome desired.” True leadership is often based on a compelling vision. Then comes the willingness and ability to communicate that message clearly and motivate others to adopt the vision.

1. The most important distinction between Mike McGahan CLV Group and someone who holds an office or position is that the true leader is motivated to greatness by his vision. Vision is what motivates him to do more, be more committed, achieve more, have more self-confidence, inner strength, and drive more than others. Vision starts with understanding the history, mission, strengths, weaknesses, and current situation of an organization. It then helps to determine where it should be going in the future. A great leader will create a set of goals that are important to the organization. He then prioritizes his actions and communications. He takes the initiative to identify and address real needs before he even starts.

2. Amazing listeners are essential for great leaders. Leaders must be able to listen more than they talk, build relationships that are based on mutual trust, and motivate others. It requires listening to what others are saying without prejudgment and being able to identify the leader’s plan to achieve the common good. This requires everyone to make a commitment to the group’s sustainability. Leaders must motivate others to care more.

Leadership is about being active and encouraging others to get involved. You cannot wait for the future, or sit still and watch it unfold. Instead, you must take action and help others make the desired changes.

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