Although archery is considered to be among the most secure practices in the world with a safety rating somewhere between ping pong and golf, approximately each year, there’s an archery incident that attracts the attention of the community that plays the sport. Most often, injuries like these result from firing incorrectly or damaged arrowsand are totally preventable. Here are some tips to ensure you purchase appropriate arrows and examine the arrows for damage prior to shooting.
The most frequent method for an Best bow and arrow for kids to get damaged is after it’s been shotand then hit by another arrow that is fired at the object. Modern bows can propel an arrow to speeds upwards of 270 feet at a time which makes the archer adept at achieving extremely precise group patterns. The drawback of these tight groups is that, if an arrow is in collision with another arrow in the the target area, it could cause damage or even destruction to the bow.
Inspect Each Arrow Before Use
An easy way to prevent injury or damage to equipment from firing a malfunctioning bow is to run the “flex test” on every arrow prior to use. To conduct this test you simply need to hold the two end of the arrow with each hand and slowly move the arrow away from you (and others… preferring to do it on the ground or at the ground… ) as you are looking for pops or cracks, and then visually looking at the arrow for any cracks, dents or splintering. You can also look for other issues. Turn the arrow around and then move it in various directions until you’re certain it’s not damaged.
If an arrow shows indications of damage, don’t make a mistake or sigh about the loss of an bow. You can simply take it down and proceed with your life. It’s safer to be secure rather than pay for repair bills for hospitalization or equipment.
Buy Arrows of Proper Size
Always ensure that your arrows are of sufficient length that they don’t have the risk of falling off the rest of the arrow (even slightly) when drawing to full. It is generally recommended that the top of the arrow shaft must be in line with the riser’s front when drawing to full capacity.
Remember that the length of your draw will alter over time as your bowstring gets stretched out over time with frequent usage. Choose arrows slightly longer than the draw length. Ensure that your string is well-waxed and replaced it at least every couple of years, and you should not have a problems.
Make Sure Arrows are Nocked
A few of the most common archery-related accidents happen when the arrow isn’t completely properly nocked. At the very least this can cause the arrow to drop in the draw phase during the shooting, possibly leading to a dry fire which could damage the bow or cause a cut on your bow’s arm. In the worst case the arrow may be released after you release the string, which causes it to fly on an unplanned and unpredictably trajectory.
Although it is simple to put the blame on the bow if an accident occurs, in the end the blame lies with the shooter. Do not assume that an arrow will be safe prior to shooting. Make sure to flex check every arrow prior to shooting and, especially, when you are certain that the arrow came into contact with another.
While Archery is among the safest sports in world it is important to impart these principles to children and practicing them yourself will ensure that archery will remain among the safest and most rewarding sports for life around the globe.